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The Variation Viewer is Now Available in the Side Panel View

Oleg avatar
Shared by Oleg • June 19, 2024

We're pleased to introduce a new Seller Assistant update!

You can now check out available variations not just in the main extension on the product page but also in the Side Panel View window, which can be accessed from any page (suppliers, Amazon, Google Sheets, and more).

We’ve designed the Side Panel View to be super convenient so you don’t have to keep switching tabs while searching for profitable deals.

With a single click, you can open Side Panel View to see the product name, brand, ASIN, category, BSR, alerts, the number of Amazon sellers, break even point (BEP), estimated sales, FBA calculators, and much more. This makes it easy to instantly compare product data from Amazon and suppliers, and calculate profitability.

Seller Assistant in Side Panel

Analyze products with accurate data and make the most of Seller Assistant! We’re excited to grow alongside you!